CV 1 Acupuncture Point
Conception Vessel 1, also known as Ren 1, Abbreviated as CV 1, Transliterated Huiyin in Chinese, Yin Meeting
The Conception Vessel (also called Ren Mai in TCM) begins at the perineum and runs along the midline of the body. It travels through the lower abdomen, the chest, and the neck, finally ending at the lower lip.The vessel is important for nourishing Yin, regulating water metabolism, and stabilizing emotions. It has a significant role in the overall balance of Qi and blood, particularly within the abdomen and reproductive organs. It is often associated with fertility, pregnancy, and nourishment. There are 24 acupoints along the Conception Vessel, abbreviated as CV or Ren (e.g., CV1, CV24).
Conception Vessel 1, also known as Ren 1, Abbreviated as CV 1, Transliterated Huiyin in Chinese, Yin Meeting
Conception Vessel 2, also known as Ren 2, Abbreviated as CV 2, Transliterated Qugu in Chinese, Crooked Bone
Conception Vessel 3, also known as Ren 3, Abbreviated as CV 3, Transliterated Zhongji in Chinese, Middle Extremity
Conception Vessel 4, also known as Ren 4, Abbreviated as CV 4, Transliterated Guanyuan in Chinese, Origin Pass
Conception Vessel 5, also known as Ren 5, Abbreviated as CV 5, Transliterated Shimen in Chinese, Stone Gate
Conception Vessel 6, also known as Ren 6, Abbreviated as CV 6, Transliterated Qihai in Chinese, Sea of
Conception Vessel 7, also known as Ren 7, Abbreviated as CV 7, Transliterated Yinjiao in Chinese, Yin Intersection
Conception Vessel 8, also known as Ren 8, Abbreviated as CV 8, Transliterated Shenque in Chinese, Spirit Palace
Conception Vessel 9, also known as Ren 9, Abbreviated as CV 9, Transliterated Shuifen in Chinese, Water Division
Conception Vessel 10, also known as Ren 10, Abbreviated as CV 10, Transliterated Xiawan in Chinese, Lower Epigastrium
Conception Vessel 11, also known as Ren 11, Abbreviated as CV 11, Transliterated Jianli in Chinese, Internal Foundation
Conception Vessel 12, also known as Ren 12, Abbreviated as CV 12, Transliterated Zhongwan in Chinese, Middle Epigastrium