GB 1 Acupuncture Point
Gallbladder 1, Abbreviated as GB 1, Transliterated Tongziliao in Chinese, Pupil Crevice in English. GB 1 Acupuncture Point
The Gallbladder Meridian begins at the outer canthus of the eye and runs up and over the head, passing through the ear, then down the side of the neck, shoulder, rib cage, and continues along the lateral aspect of the body, ending at the fourth toe. It plays a crucial role in the overall regulation of Qi, blood, and Yin-Yang balance throughout the body, particularly related to liver function and the biliary system. The Gallbladder Meridian contains 44 acupoints located along its path, abbreviated as GB (e.g., GB1, GB44).
Gallbladder 1, Abbreviated as GB 1, Transliterated Tongziliao in Chinese, Pupil Crevice in English. GB 1 Acupuncture Point
Gallbladder 2, Abbreviated as GB 2, Transliterated Tinghui in Chinese, Meeting of Hearing in English. GB 2 Acupuncture
Gallbladder 3, Abbreviated as GB 3, Transliterated Shangguan in Chinese, Above the Joint in English. GB 3 Acupuncture
Gallbladder 4, Abbreviated as GB 4, Transliterated Hanyan in Chinese, Jaw Serenity in English. GB 4 Acupuncture Point
Gallbladder 5, Abbreviated as GB 5, Transliterated Xuanlu in Chinese, Suspended Skull in English. GB 5 Acupuncture Point
Gallbladder 6, Abbreviated as GB 6, Transliterated Xuanli in Chinese, Suspended Hair in English. GB 6 Acupuncture Point
Gallbladder 7, Abbreviated as GB 7, Transliterated Qubin in Chinese, Crook of the Temple in English. GB 7
Gallbladder 8, Abbreviated as GB 8, Transliterated Shuaigu in Chinese, Leading Valley in English. GB 8 Acupuncture Point
Gallbladder 9, Abbreviated as GB 9, Transliterated Tianchong in Chinese, Heavenly Rushing in English. GB 9 Acupuncture Point
Gallbladder 10, Abbreviated as GB 10, Transliterated Fubai in Chinese, Floating White in English. GB 10 Acupuncture Point
Gallbladder 11, Abbreviated as GB 11, Transliterated Touqiaoyin in Chinese, Yin Portals of the Head in English. GB
Gallbladder 12, Abbreviated as GB 12, Transliterated Wangu in Chinese, Mastoid Process in English. GB 12 Acupuncture Point