GV 1 Acupuncture Point
Governing Vessel 1, Abbreviated as GV 1, also known as DU 1, Transliterated Changqiang in Chinese, Long and
The Governor Vessel (also known as the Du Mai) runs from the perineum (located between the anus and the genitals), up the spine, through the back of the head, and ends at the upper lip. It connects with several other meridians, including the Kidney, Liver, Heart, and Small Intestine. The Governor Vessel plays a crucial role in regulating Yang Qi, nourishing the spinal cord, and balancing the nervous system. It is particularly important in maintaining mental clarity, stability, and emotional health, and it is associated with spinal disorders and autonomic nervous function. The Governor Vessel contains 28 acupoints along its path, abbreviated as GV or DU (e.g., GV1, GV28).
Governing Vessel 1, Abbreviated as GV 1, also known as DU 1, Transliterated Changqiang in Chinese, Long and
Governing Vessel 2, Abbreviated as GV 2, also known as DU 2, Transliterated Yaoshu in Chinese, Low Back
Governing Vessel 3, Abbreviated as GV 3, also known as DU 3, Transliterated Yaoyangquan in Chinese, Low Back
Governing Vessel 4, Abbreviated as GV 4, also known as DU 4, Transliterated Mingmen in Chinese, Life Gate
Governing Vessel 5, Abbreviated as GV 5, also known as DU 5, Transliterated Xuanshu in Chinese, Suspended Pivot
Governing Vessel 6, Abbreviated as GV 6, also known as DU 6, Transliterated Jizhong in Chinese, Middle of
Governing Vessel 7, Abbreviated as GV 7, also known as DU 7, Transliterated Zhongshu in Chinese, Central Pivot
Governing Vessel 8, Abbreviated as GV 8, also known as DU 8, Transliterated Jinsuo in Chinese, Muscle Spasm
Governing Vessel 9, Abbreviated as GV 9, also known as DU 9, Transliterated Zhiyang in Chinese, Reaching Yang
Governing Vessel 10, Abbreviated as GV 10, also known as DU 10, Transliterated Lingtai in Chinese, Spirit Platform
Governing Vessel 11, Abbreviated as GV 11, also known as DU 11, Transliterated Shendao in Chinese, Way of
Governing Vessel 12, Abbreviated as GV 12, also known as DU 12, Transliterated Shenzhu in Chinese, Body Pillar