Li 1 Acupuncture Point
Large intestine 1, Abbreviated as Li 1, Transliterated Shangyang in Chinese, Metal Yang in English. Li 1 Acupuncture
The Large Intestine Meridian runs from the index finger, travels along the arm, passes the shoulder, and connects to the face, ending near the nostrils. It is associated with the lung and large intestine organs and plays a crucial role in the body’s ability to clear waste and toxins. There are 20 acupoints along the Large Intestine Meridian, abbreviated as Li (e.g., Li1, Li20).
Large intestine 1, Abbreviated as Li 1, Transliterated Shangyang in Chinese, Metal Yang in English. Li 1 Acupuncture
Large intestine 2, Abbreviated as Li 2, Transliterated Erjian in Chinese, Second Point in English. Li 2 Acupuncture
Large intestine 3, Abbreviated as Li 3, Transliterated Sanjian in Chinese, Third Point in English. Li 3 Acupuncture
Large intestine 4, Abbreviated as Li 4, Transliterated He Gu in Chinese, Junction Valley in English. Li 4
Large intestine 5, Abbreviated as Li 5, Transliterated Yangxi in Chinese, Yang Stream in English. Li 5 Acupuncture
Large intestine 6, Abbreviated as Li 6, Transliterated Pianli in Chinese, Diverging Passage in English. Li 6 Acupuncture
Large intestine 7, Abbreviated as Li 7, Transliterated Wenliu in Chinese, Warm Flow in English. Li 7 Acupuncture
Large intestine 8, Abbreviated as Li 8, Transliterated Xialian in Chinese, Lower Point at the Border in English.
Large intestine 9, Abbreviated as Li 9, Transliterated Shanglian in Chinese, Upper Point at the Border in English.
Large intestine 10, Abbreviated as Li 10, Transliterated Shousanli in Chinese, Arm Three Miles in English. Li 10
Large intestine 11, Abbreviated as Li 11, Transliterated Quchi in Chinese, Pool at the Bend in English. Li
Large intestine 12, Abbreviated as Li 12, Transliterated Zhouliao in Chinese, Elbow Bone Hole in English. Li 12