LU 1 Acupuncture Point
Lung 1, Abbreviated as LU 1, Transliterated Zhongfu in Chinese, Middle Assembly in English. LU 1 Acupuncture Point
The Lung Meridian runs from the chest to the thumb, It plays a vital role in the body’s Qi (vital energy), respiratory function, and immune system. It governs the process of inhale and exhale, ensuring the smooth flow of Qi and assisting in the distribution of Qi and fluids throughout the body. There are 11 acupoints along the Lung Meridian, abbreviated as LU (e.g., LU1, LU11).
Lung 1, Abbreviated as LU 1, Transliterated Zhongfu in Chinese, Middle Assembly in English. LU 1 Acupuncture Point
Lung 2, Abbreviated as LU 2, Transliterated Yunmen in Chinese, Cloud Gate in English. LU 2 Acupuncture Point
Lung 3, Abbreviated as LU 3, Transliterated Tianfu in Chinese, Upper Arm Assembly in English. LU 3 Acupuncture
Lung 4, Abbreviated as LU 4, Transliterated Xiabai in Chinese, Supporting the Lung in English. LU 4 Acupuncture
Lung 5, Abbreviated as LU 5, Transliterated Chize in Chinese, Cubit Marsh in English. LU 5 Acupuncture Point
Lung 6, Abbreviated as LU 6, Transliterated Kongzui in Chinese, Collection Hole in English. LU 6 Acupuncture Point
Lung 7, Abbreviated as LU 7, Transliterated Lieque in Chinese, Interrupted Sequence in English. LU 7 Acupuncture Point
Lung 8, Abbreviated as LU 8, Transliterated Jingqu in Chinese, Channel Ditch in English. LU 8 Acupuncture Point
Lung 9, Abbreviated as LU 9, Transliterated Taiyuan in Chinese, Great Deep Pool in English. LU 9 Acupuncture
Lung 10, Abbreviated as LU 10, Transliterated Yuji in Chinese, and Fish Border in English. LU 10 Acupuncture
Lung 11, Abbreviated as LU 11, Transliterated Shaoshang in Chinese, Lesser Metal in English. LU 11 Acupuncture Point