Si 1 Acupuncture Point
Small intestine 1, Abbreviated as Si 1, Transliterated Shaoze in Chinese, Lesser Marsh in English. Si 1 Acupuncture
The Small Intestine Meridian follows a specific course across the body, beginning in the little finger and ending at the ear, crossing through several key regions along the way. It is connected to the Heart Meridian as well, with a strong influence on both physical and mental functions. There are 19 acupoints along the Small Intestine Meridian, abbreviated as Si (e.g., Si1, Si19).
Small intestine 1, Abbreviated as Si 1, Transliterated Shaoze in Chinese, Lesser Marsh in English. Si 1 Acupuncture
Small intestine 2, Abbreviated as Si 2, Transliterated Qiangu in Chinese, Front Valley in English. Si 2 Acupuncture
Small intestine 3, Abbreviated as Si 3, Transliterated Houxi in Chinese, Back Stream in English. Si 3 Acupuncture
Small intestine 4, Abbreviated as Si 4, Transliterated Wangu in Chinese, Wrist Bone in English. Si 4 Acupuncture
Small intestine 5, Abbreviated as Si 5, Transliterated Yanggu in Chinese, Yang Valley in English. Si 5 Acupuncture
Small intestine 6, Abbreviated as Si 6, Transliterated Yanglao in Chinese, Support the Aged in English. Si 6
Small intestine 7, Abbreviated as Si 7, Transliterated Zhizheng in Chinese, Branch of Upright in English. Si 7
Small intestine 8, Abbreviated as Si 8, Transliterated Xiaohai in Chinese, Small Sea in English. Si 8 Acupuncture
Small intestine 9, Abbreviated as Si 9, Transliterated Jianzhen in Chinese, True Shoulder in English. Si 9 Acupuncture
Small intestine 10, Abbreviated as Si 10, Transliterated Naoshu in Chinese, Upper arm transporter in English. Si 10
Small intestine 11, Abbreviated as Si 11, Transliterated Tianzong in Chinese, Heavenly Gathering in English. Si 11 Acupuncture
Small intestine 12, Abbreviated as Si 12, Transliterated Bingfeng in Chinese, Grasping the Wind in English. Si 12