SP 1 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 1, Abbreviated as SP 1, Transliterated Yinbai in Chinese, Hidden White in English. SP 1 Acupuncture Point
The Spleen Meridian starts at the big toe and ascends along the inner aspect of the leg to the abdomen, It is associated with the transformation and transportation of food and fluids, as well as the management of dampness in the body. There are 21 acupoints along the Spleen Meridian, abbreviated as SP (e.g., SP1, SP21).
Spleen 1, Abbreviated as SP 1, Transliterated Yinbai in Chinese, Hidden White in English. SP 1 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 2, Abbreviated as SP 2, Transliterated Dadu in Chinese, Great Pool in English. SP 2 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 3, Abbreviated as SP 3, Transliterated Taibai in Chinese, Great White in English. SP 3 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 4, Abbreviated as SP 4, Transliterated Gongsun in Chinese, Grandfather Grandson in English. SP 4 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 5, Abbreviated as SP 5, Transliterated Shangqiu in Chinese, Metal Mound in English. SP 5 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 6, Abbreviated as SP 6, Transliterated Sanyinjiao in Chinese, Three Yin Intersection in English. SP 6 Acupuncture
Spleen 7, Abbreviated as SP 7, Transliterated Lougu in Chinese, Leaking Valley in English. SP 7 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 8, Abbreviated as SP 8, Transliterated Diji in Chinese, Earth Cure in English. SP 8 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 9, Abbreviated as SP 9, Transliterated Yinlingquan in Chinese, Yin Mound Spring in English. SP 9 Acupuncture
Spleen 10, Abbreviated as SP 10, Transliterated Xuehai in Chinese, Sea of Blood in English. SP 10 Acupuncture
Spleen 11, Abbreviated as SP 11, Transliterated Jimen in Chinese, Separation Gate in English. SP 11 Acupuncture Point
Spleen 12, Abbreviated as SP 12, Transliterated Chongmen in Chinese, Surging Gate in English. SP 12 Acupuncture Point