LR 6 Acupuncture Point

Liver 6, Abbreviated as LR 6, LIV 6, or LV 6, Transliterated Zhongdu in Chinese, Central Capital in English.

LR 6 Acupuncture Point Location:

On the medial aspect of the lower leg, 7 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus, on the middle of the medial aspect of the tibia.

LR 6 Acupuncture Point Indications:

  • Pain in the hypochondrium, abdominal distention and pain, diarrhea
  • Prolonged lochia
  • Hernia

LR 6 Acupuncture Point Benefits:

Regulates Liver Qi, relieves pain, resolves Dampness.


Xi-Cleft point of the Liver Meridian


A Xi-Cleft point is the site where the Qi of the meridian is deeply converged. Qi and blood are stored deeply at these particular points. If there appear abnormal reactions at X-Cleft points, it shows that the pathogens have entered the deeper parts of Zang-Fu organs. Thus, they are used for acute, painful symptoms, inflammation, protracted diseases of its pertaining meridian and Zang-Fun organ. Also, Xi-Cleft points of the Yin meridians have hemostatic functions.